Orthopedic Specialist Near Me

Orthopedic Specialist Near Me

Find an orthopedic specialist near me. With more than 300 bones and joints in your body, it’s almost a fact of life that nearly everyone will have pain and discomfort in them at some point. This is especially true for those who tend to do more physical activity. Orthopedic doctors and specialists look at the health of the bones and joints in your body and can diagnose and treat the issues that may be causing pain. While not all pain may mean the need to see an orthopedic specialist, here are 5 signs that it’s time to go to the doctor.

1.You have difficulty performing everyday activities

While pain and discomfort can sometimes be worked through with exercises and stretches, when these no longer work and the pain is preventing you from participating in your normal daily activities, it may be a sign that you need to seek some medical help. This includes simple tasks like climbing stairs or walking your dog.

2.You suffer from chronic pain

If you’ve been suffering from pain for a long period of time, it may be time to call an orthopedic surgeon. Chronic pain is officially defined as any pain lasting longer than 12 weeks. When we have pain for a few days, it can be debilitating. However, having pain for weeks and months can mean that there is an issue that needs to be addressed.

3.Your range of motion is becoming limited

Pain, as you move, isn’t the only symptom that you may notice. If your joints feel tight and you struggle to move in the same ways you had before, there may be an issue. A limited range of motion can signify joint diseases like arthritis. To prevent these from getting worse, professional advice from a doctor is often necessary

4.You experience instability while walking or standing

Pain and limited range can also mean that you are less stable while walking or standing. If you are falling more or even notice that you’re just a little more off balance than usual, it may mean that you need to have those bones and joints checked for weak spots.

5.You have suffered a soft tissue injury that has not improved in 48 hours

Spraining, twisting, and over extending your body is a common occurrence, but if you continue to have pain past 48 hours it may mean that you’ve fractured something or torn an important ligament or tendon that will need attention beyond normal medical care.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or signs and you’ve been ignoring it, it may be time to see an orthopedic doctor and surgeon.

This article is brought to you by Dr. Brandon Downs. Dr. Downs can help you
understand your pain and if surgery is right for you. Find Dr.Downs at:

Hughston Clinic Orthopaedics, Centennial Medical Center in the Physician’s Park Building 2400 Patterson Street Suite 300, Nashville, Tn 37203 (615) 342-6300 Hughston.com and Orthopaedic Specialists, 415 Henslee Drive in the Creekside Center, Dickson, Tn 37055 (615) 375-8287, Orthopaedicspecialists.com.

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