How to Create the Best Baby Nap Schedule

Naps are crucial for your little one’s growth and development. Learn how to establish a healthy baby nap schedule with these expert-approved tips.

Sleeping baby placed on back

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Parents know how important naps are for their babies. The relationship between fussiness and tiredness is hard to miss. The problem is that getting your baby to nap consistently can be trickier than you'd think.

"Research suggests that physical and mental development take place when kids sleep—both at night and during the day," says Daniel Lewin, PhD, director of pediatric behavioral sleep medicine at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. Babies who nap enough also sleep better at night, leading to less fussiness and irritability.

To make the most of naptime, it's important to establish a solid baby nap schedule and stick to it. "The more regular a child's naptime, waking time, and bedtime are, the more likely it'll be that their internal clock will run smoothly and that they'll fall asleep more quickly and easily," says Jodi Mindell, PhD, author of Sleeping Through the Night.

With consistency and a set routine, your baby will soon be napping regularly—and getting the most out of their daytime sleep. Follow these expert-approved tips on creating a baby nap schedule, whether your little one is 3 months old, 10 months old, or anywhere between.

Ensure They Get Enough Daytime and Nighttime Sleep

The first place to start when creating a baby nap schedule is the recommended guidelines for infant sleep times. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) advises the following amount of sleep in 24 hours, including naps:

  • 4–12 months: 12–16 hours
  • 1–2 years: 11–14 hours
  • 3–5 years: 10–13 hours

You should expect infants to take two to three naps per day, typically dropping to one nap as they reach toddlerhood. If your baby takes three naps, the third nap is often a shorter "cat nap" just to help them get through to bedtime. When the third nap is getting late enough that it's consistently interfering with bedtime and nighttime sleep, it's probably time to move to a two-nap schedule.

Work With Your Baby's Natural Rhythm

There is no one perfect time for a nap—it's really about what works best for you and your baby. So, select nap times that fit your child's natural rhythm and your family's schedule.

"Think about your baby's day, and try to time their naps logically," says Deb Lonzer, MD, chair of the department of regional pediatrics for the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital. "Watch your baby for about a week and see if each day starts to have a similar pattern. If so, just follow your baby's lead—but if not, you should select the nap times."

Dr. Lonzer notes that for a two-nap schedule, it's best to aim for a midmorning and a midafternoon nap to avoid sleeping difficulties at night.

Recognize Their Tired Signals

It's not too difficult to gauge when a baby is worn out. According to Dr. Lonzer, some surefire signs your baby needs a nap include:

  • Closing their eyes
  • Rubbing their eyes
  • Yawning
  • Pulling on their ears
  • Fussiness

When you see these sleepy signs, act quickly. A tired baby is easier to get to sleep than an overtired baby.

Use the Crib as Often as Possible

"Babies should nap in their cribs every day, so they recognize their surroundings and feel safe," Dr. Lonzer says. This will also help them associate the crib with slumber, which is important in helping them sleep through the night and encouraging restorative sleep.

In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) safe sleep recommendations apply to naps, too. To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the AAP recommends the following:

  • Placing infants on a firm, flat surface that meets the latest federal safety standards for cribs, bassinets, play yards, and bedside sleepers
  • Using only products that are marketed for sleep
  • Avoiding sitting devices like car seats, bouncy seats, swings, and slings for sleep
  • Avoiding bed-sharing

If your baby must nap outside of their crib, have them sleep with items that will remind them of their usual bed. But remember, babies under 1 year should not sleep with any blankets, pillows, crib bumpers, stuffed animals, or any other objects.

Break the Routine Only When Needed

While you don't want to become totally tied down to your baby's nap schedule, experts say it's helpful to maintain a consistent routine. This doesn't mean, however, that you can't break from the schedule when you're away from home or when you've got special plans.

When your child misses a nap, the Pediatric Sleep Council advises offering another sleep opportunity either later in the day or at their next scheduled nap time. You could even offer an earlier bedtime if they missed their afternoon nap. But, they say, try to avoid a super late nap (after 4 p.m.) because it could make matters worse come bedtime.

"If your child is well rested, skipping a nap occasionally for a birthday party or an outing won't cause problems," says Chicago pediatrician Marc Weissbluth, MD, author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.

Keep Your Baby Active Between Naps

Engaging activities and fresh air will tire your baby before nap time. "Take your baby outside in the stroller when you walk or play on the floor and keep them active," Dr. Lonzer says. Plus, sunlight, fresh air, colorful toys, and silly games benefit your baby's health and development.

Don't Let Them Get Too Tired

While staying active is important for your little one, try not to let them become overtired. This is often a problem if your baby is around an older sibling who no longer naps. "Remember that older siblings sometimes keep younger kids up playing longer than they should," Dr. Lonzer says. "They mean well, but help them understand that little ones need more rest."

Lull Them to Sleep

If you're having trouble getting your baby to fall asleep, Dr. Lonzer suggests giving them a warm bath, a little massage, or a tummy rub. "Sometimes playing soft music or white noise, such as rain, can be soothing," she says. "Rocking and cuddling can be helpful for babies and relaxing and enjoyable for parents."

Adjust as Your Child Gets Older

As your baby begins to sleep longer at night, they might need fewer naps. However, Dr. Lonzer says that quiet time every day is still crucial. "Babies need quiet time without external noise and interaction for their growth and development," she says. "Make sure they get at least 30 to 60 minutes of quiet time a day—and you get yours!"

Wake Supernappers Early

It's not healthy to let your baby nap more than two or three hours at a time, as it might negatively affect their sleep at night, Dr. Lonzer says. So, gently wake your baby after a couple of hours if they're prone to long naps.

Consider the 2-3-4 Nap Schedule

The 2-3-4 approach for naps is a two-nap schedule that uses the time an older baby is awake to drive the timing of their naps. It works by gradually increasing the amount of awake time between naps over the day. According to this approach, the first nap is about two hours after waking, the second nap is three hours after the end of the first nap, and bedtime is four hours after the end of the second nap.

Sample 2-3-4 Baby Nap Schedule
Wake 7:00 am 
Nap 1 (2 hours after waking) 9:00–10:30 am
Nap 2 (3 hours after morning nap) 1:30–3:00 pm
Bedtime (4 hours after afternoon nap) 7:00 pm

The main benefit of the 2-3-4 baby nap schedule is that it creates a predictable routine for parents and babies and ensures the baby is awake long enough to be tired before scheduled snoozes, leading to a smoother baby nap schedule.

Remember, though, that this method might not work for everyone, and parents should always strive to find the best nap schedule for their family. Also, since this method relies on more developed sleeping patterns, the 2-3-4 approach is best suited for babies 6 months and older.

Ask a Health Care Provider About Any Problems

When in doubt, talk with your pediatrician. Every baby is different, and baby nap schedules may vary over time; there's not one right answer for every child. Dr. Lonzer says not to worry unless your child's total sleep hours aren't adding up or if sleep interferes with essential activities such as eating and development.

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  1. Infant sleep and its relation with cognition and growth: a narrative reviewNat Sci Sleep. 2017.

  2. Child sleep duration health advisory. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 2016.

  3. American Academy of Pediatrics updates safe sleep recommendations: Back is best. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022.

  4. Tips for keeping infants safe during sleep from the American Academy of Pediatrics. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2020.

  5. What should I do when my baby misses a nap?. Pediatric Sleep Council. n.d.

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