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How a Pharmaceutical Microbiology Organisation Can Help Young Microbiologists

Taking the first steps of your career is an exciting time, especially with a supportive network on your side.

Pharmaceutical microbiology organisations endeavour to support and guide young professionals through the beginning of their careers while also representing their interests and connecting them with relevant information.

In this blog, we’re exploring why young microbiologists should consider working with a pharmaceutical microbiology organisation and the benefits these organisations offer. Scroll down to learn more.


What is a Pharmaceutical Microbiology Organisation

Before we jump into the advantages pharmaceutical microbiology organisations provide young microbiologists, we’ll quickly give an overview of what these organisations do.

A pharmaceutical microbiology organisation strives to bring together professionals, researchers, and students working within the industry to facilitate the exchange of microbiological information. They also offer training courses and relevant publications and organise conferences for members.

Pharmig has been a non-profit pharmaceutical microbiology organisation since 1991. Our membership program offers a comprehensive portfolio of products for all microbiologists, including young professionals. Learn more about us here.


What a Pharmig Membership Offers Young Microbiologists

When starting your career in microbiology, finding relevant publications and conferences can be overwhelming. You might also want to connect with mentors and other new graduates.

Pharmig provides support in these areas and offers the following benefits:

  • Access to webinars, training sessions, and industry meetings.
  • The chance to communicate with industry experts.
  • Cutting-edge industry news and information in one place.
  • Links to trustworthy online resources.
  • Frequent newsletters and access to technical articles.
  • Forums to exchange secure information with other microbiologists.
  • Access to in-person events and conferences.

Alongside championing the latest research, Pharmig offers a social culture through its exclusive forum and networking events. Immersing yourself in the industry is paramount, and we’re here to help you get started.


The Aspiring Microbiologist of the Year Award 2023

At Pharmig, we recognise ‘excellence in microbiology’ and therefore have created an annual award which spotlights contributions made by a microbiologist new to the healthcare or pharmaceutical industry.

A winner is selected by our experienced committee and receives Pharmig publications of their choice (to the value of £180), attendance to any Pharmig meeting, and an article will be published about them in our popular newsletter.

Interested in applying? For the chance to win this award, microbiologists must have experience in a technical role for at least a year, and the role must have a strong emphasis on microbiology — this isn’t restricted to lab positions.

All entrants must be within the first three years of their career at the time of nomination.

Find out more about the award and the application process here.

We can’t wait to receive your nominations! Meeting the next generation of microbiologists is always a pleasure.


Final Thoughts

Pharmaceutical microbiology organisations offer crucial support and information for new microbiologists in all areas of the field. From providing networking opportunities to offering training courses, these organisations seek to nurture the next generation of professionals while promoting best practices and sharing the latest research.

Want to know more? Read Pharmig’s news articles now to stay in the loop.


Or get involved via our membership program. Sign up here.