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an image of sea animals in the ocean with blue background and white silhouettes on it
a drawing of a person holding a heart
a black and white drawing of a cartoon character with an angel halo on his head
a red monster with two eyes on it's face
a white ghost with flowers in its hand
an image of three different colored shapes
a blue ghost with its arms out and eyes wide open in front of a white background
a girl hugging a ghost with her eyes closed
a cartoon ghost with two eyes and a yellow sticker in front of it's face
an orange house with a cat looking out the window at something white in the sky
an image of a cartoon character with eyes on it's face and the caption says, i don't know what this is
Disney Characters, Disney, Donald Duck
a green monster with eyes and hands on his face
a drawing of a white bird with a purple suitcase and hat on it's head
Cinderella, Disney Princess, Haloween
a ghost with its arms in the air and eyes wide open, while it's standing
three cartoon faces with different shapes and sizes, one in the shape of a ghost
three cartoon characters standing next to each other
Pizzas, Love Pizza, Pizza
a green monster with a crown on it's head
three children sitting on the ground in front of two ghost like figures, one holding a cell phone
a group of ghost pumpkins with the words boo written on them in orange and white