Geometry Formulas – Area, Solved Examples

Geometry Formula: Geometry formulas play a crucial role in calculating various attributes such as dimensions, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume for different geometric shapes. Geometry is a branch of mathematics dedicated to understanding the relationships between points, lines, angles, surfaces, measurements, and properties of objects.

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Geometry Formulas : Geometry formulas play a crucial role in calculating various attributes such as dimensions, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume for different geometric shapes. Geometry is a branch of mathematics dedicated to understanding the relationships between points, lines, angles, surfaces, measurements, and properties of objects. This discipline is divided into two categories: 2D, which encompasses plane geometry, and 3D, which involves solid geometry.

2D shapes consist of flat figures possessing only two dimensions—length and width. Examples include squares, circles, and triangles. Conversely, 3D objects are solid entities with three dimensions—length, width, and height or depth. Examples comprise cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, and cones.

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What are Geometry Formulas?

Geometry formulas are employed to calculate dimensions, perimeter, area, surface area, volume, and other attributes of both 2D and 3D geometric shapes. 2D shapes encompass flat figures such as squares, circles, and triangles. On the other hand, examples of 3D shapes include cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, and cones. The fundamental geometry formulas are outlined below:

Geometry Formulas

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Basic Geometry Formulas

Presented below are a range of 2D geometry formulas pertaining to distinct geometric shapes, accompanied by select formulas integrating the mathematical constant π (pi).

Formulas for 2D Geometry:

  • Perimeter of a Square = 4 × Side
  • Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2 × (Length + Breadth)
  • Area of a Square = Side²
  • Area of a Rectangle = Length × Breadth
  • Area of a Triangle = ½ × Base × Height
  • Area of a Trapezoid = ½ × (Base + Base) × Height
  • Area of a Circle = A = π × r²
  • Circumference of a Circle = 2πr

Moving on to the realm of 3D geometry, the fundamental formulas are enumerated below, featuring the incorporation of the mathematical constant π.

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Formulas for 3D Geometry:

  • Curved Surface Area of a Cylinder = 2πrh
  • Total Surface Area of a Cylinder = 2πr(r + h)
  • Volume of a Cylinder = V = πr²h
  • Curved Surface Area of a Cone = πrl
  • Total Surface Area of a Cone = πr(r + l) = πr[r + √(h² + r²)]
  • Volume of a Cone = V = ⅓ × πr²h
  • Surface Area of a Sphere = S = 4πr²
  • Volume of a Sphere = V = 4/3 × πr³


r denotes Radius,

h signifies Height, and

l represents Slant height.

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The provided table showcases formulas for both 2D and 3D geometry.

1. Right Triangle Pythagoras Theorem: base2 + height2 = hypotenuse2

Area = ½ × base × height

Perimeter = base + height + hypotenuse

2. Triangle Perimeter, P = a + b + c

Where, a, b, and c are the sides of a triangle.

Area, A = ½ base × height

3. Rectangle Perimeter = 2(l + w)

Area = lw

Diagonal, d = √(l2 + w2)


l = length of a rectangle

w = width of a rectangle

4.Parallelogram Perimeter, P = 2(a + b)

Where, a and b are the sides of a parallelogram

Area of parallelogram, A = base × height

Height, h = Area/base

Base, b = Area/height

5. Trapezium Area, A = ½(a + b)h


a and b are the parallel sides

h = distance between two parallel sides

6. Circle Circumference = 2πr

Area = πr2

Diameter = 2r


r = radius of a circle

7. Square Perimeter, P = 4a

Area, A = a2

Diagonal, d = a√2

Side, a = √A


a = side of a square

8. Arc Arc Length, L = rθ

Here, θ is the central angle in radians and r = radius

9. Cube Area, A = 6a2

Volume, V = a3

Edge, a = Volume

Space diagonal = a√3


a = side of a cube

10. Cuboid Surface Area, A = 2(lb + bh + hl)

Volume, V = lbh

Space diagonal, d = √( l2 + b2 +h2)


l= length

b= breadth

h= height

11. Cylinder Total Surface Area, A = 2πrh + 2πr2

Curved Surface Area, Ac = 2πrh

Volume, V = πr2h

Base Area, Ab = πr2

Radius, r = √(V/πh)


r= radius of a cylinder

h= height of a cylinder

12. Cone Total Surface Area, A = πr(r+l) = πr[r+√(h2+r2)]

Curved Surface Area, Ac = πrl

Volume, V = ⅓πr2h

Slant Height, l = √(h2+r2)

Base Area, Ab = πr2


r= radius of a cone

h= height of a cone

l = slant height

13. Sphere Surface Area, A = 4πr2

Volume, V = ⁴⁄₃πr3

Diameter = 2r


r= radius of a sphere

Q1. What are the formulas for the geometric properties of a cuboid?

Below, you'll find the geometry formulas specific to a cuboid:
Surface Area of a Cuboid, A = 2(lb + bh + hl)
Volume of a Cuboid, V = lbh
Space Diagonal of a Cuboid, d = √(l² + b² + h²)
In this context:
l stands for length
b stands for breadth
h stands for height

What are the Applications of Geometry Formulas?

Geometry formulas serve as valuable tools for calculating the perimeter, area, volume, and surface areas of both 2D and 3D geometric shapes. In our everyday experiences, we encounter a multitude of objects that possess resemblances to various geometric figures. These formulas enable us to determine the areas and volumes of these geometric entities in practical applications.

What is the formula of the circle?

The geometry formulas of a circle are listed below:
Circumference = 2πr
Area = πr2
Diameter = 2r
Where, r = radius of a circle

What are the Geometry Formulas of a Rectangle?

The geometry formulas of a rectangle are listed below:
Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(l + w)
Area of rectangle = lw
Diagonal of a rectangle, d = √(l2 + w2)
l = length of a rectangle
w = width of a rectangle

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