Sedge wren puts haying on hold in Town of Montgomery

Threatened bird building nest in park

Meghan E. Murphy

TOWN OF MONTGOMERY — Curt McDermott first heard the characteristic "chip chip" call of the sedge wren before he saw the bird in Benedict Farm Park. Then he called in his father, Ken, a veteran bird-watcher, to confirm the rare sighting.

In 50 years, the sedge wren has been seen only two other times in Orange County: two years ago in the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge and once in the 1970s, McDermott said.

This male wren has been collecting nest material to lure a mate to the park on Route 17K since last Wednesday. But so far, he's also mostly attracted birders and the Department of Environmental Conservation.

The small, secretive bird is planning a family on 100 acres slated for haying. The town has accepted a $500 bid from DiMartino Farms.

Because of the wren, the DEC is asking the DiMartinos to wait until July 15 to harvest, spokeswoman Wendy Rosenbach said. After that, the DEC will rope off an area where the bird has marked his home so that it's not disturbed. A state biologist met Monday with the DiMartino brothers and town Supervisor Mike Hayes at the park.

"We'll do whatever is necessary," said Joey DiMartino, of DiMartino Farms. He added that persistent rain prevented them from mowing, which normally would be done before June 1, but wouldn't have included the field nearest the wren.

The sedge wren has threatened species protection in New York, meaning anyone who harasses the bird or impacts its nest can be penalized, Rosenbach said.

Several other less common birds, including the vesper and grasshopper sparrows, which are state species of special concern, and the bobolink, also call the park home.

These birds were a concern at a February public hearing on the plan to build recreational fields in the park. Hayes is unsure whether the sedge wren's presence will affect the approved plan, which includes both a baseball and multipurpose field very close to where the wren is nesting. The wren doesn't always return to the same spot year after year, Rosenbach said.

Town resident Richard Phelps, whose father often avoided nests while haying, said the town should take a new look at the plan. "I think that someone has to study how close you can get to that nest without impacting it," Phelps said.