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Selected Families of Hymenoptera

Selected Families of Hymenoptera. Dr. Vera Krischik, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota. Characteristics of Hymenoptera. Two pairs of wings. Larvae are grub-like or caterpillar-like.

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Selected Families of Hymenoptera

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  1. Selected Families of Hymenoptera Dr. Vera Krischik, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota

  2. Characteristics of Hymenoptera • Two pairs of wings. • Larvae are grub-like or caterpillar-like. • Occur in a wide variety of habitats and have a wide variety of lifestyles: some feed on plants, some are predacious, some are scavengers. • Many are beneficial, others are pests. • Apocrita (bees, wasps, and ants) have a narrow waist, Symphyta (sawflies and horntails) don’t.

  3. Sawflies FamiliesTenthredinidaeand DiprionidaeHosts: Manydeciduous andconiferous plants.Life History:Females use theirsaw-like ovipositors to insert eggs in plant tissues. Larvae defoliate or mine leaves or needles. One or more generations a year. Steve Katovich, USDA Forest Service Neodiprion sertifer

  4. Sawflies Overwintering: Eggs, larvae, or pupae.Physical Control: Remove groups of larvae.Cultural Control: Minimize stress on plants.Chemical Control: Horticultural oil or insecticides.Biological Control:Many parasites,predators, andNPV virus. Neodiprion lecontei David Laughlin

  5. Horntails Family SiricidaeHosts: Dead and dying beech, elm, maple, oak, and others.Life History: Females lay eggs singly in hosts. Larvae may take two years to develop. Drees Tremex columba

  6. Braconid Wasps Family Braconidae Hosts: Aphids, larvaeof beetles, flies,sawflies, andcaterpillars such astomato hornworm,imported cabbageworm, gypsy moth.Life History: Life cycle is 10–14 days. Larvae are internal parasitoids; many pupate outside hosts. More females than males. John Davidson

  7. Braconid Wasps John Davidson Cotesia congregata cocoons on tomato hornworm Aphid mummies with braconid emergence holes

  8. Ichneumonid Wasps Family Ichneumonidae Hosts: Larvae andpupae of beetles,wasps, andcaterpillars,armyworms, cabbagelooper, fall webworm, oakworms, tent caterpillars, tussock moths, European corn borer.Life History: Larvae are internal or externalparasitoids. Whitney Cranshaw

  9. Ichneumonid Wasps Adult Ichneumonid wasps: note the long ovipositor of the female wasp (below) John Davidson John Davidson

  10. Trichogramma Wasps Order HymenopteraFamilyTrichogrammatidae Hosts: Sawfly andmoth eggs,cabbageworm, tomatohornworm, corn earworm, codling moth, cutworm, armyworm, cabbage looper, European corn borer, tomato fruitworm.Life History: Larvae are internal parasitoidsof other insects. University of California at Berkeley

  11. Aphelinid Wasps Family Aphelinidae Hosts: Aphids, mealybugs, psyllids, scales, and whiteflies.Life History: Solitary,lay eggs in or outsidehosts. Femalesusually reproduceparthenogenetically,males are rare. John Davidson Encarsia formosa adult

  12. Aphelinid Wasps John Davidson John Davidson Empty pupal cases of greenhouse whiteflies and black parasitized pupae containing Encarsia formosa Encarsia formosa

  13. Encyrtid Wasps Family Encyrtidae Hosts: Ticks, insect eggs, larvae, and pupae; beetles,bugs, moths, mealybugs, scales.Life History: Larvae are parasitoids;adults live 2–3 days. John Davidson John Davidson Top: Encyrtus fuscus reared from hemispherical scaleBottom: Parasitized hemispherical scales turned black

  14. Chalcid Wasps Family Chalcididae Hosts: Moths, butterflies, beetles, flies, other wasps.Life History: Larvae are internal parasitoids of other insects. John Davidson David Laughlin

  15. Gall Wasps Minnesota DNR ArchivesMinnesota Department of Natural Resourceswww.forestryimages.org Family CynipidaeHosts: Some are hyperparasitoids on other wasps, but most induce galls on oaks or rosaceous plants. Left: Galls on oak leafAbove: Callirhytis cornigera galls on oak Ronald F. BillingsTexas Forest Servicewww.forestryimages.org

  16. Gall Wasps Life History: Females lay eggs in stems, buds, leaves, or flowers. Larval feeding causes gall formation. Some species alternate sexual and asexual generations. Jerry A. PayneUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org Dryocosmus kuriphilus larvae (far left) and adults Jerry A. Payne, USDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org

  17. Scelionid Wasps Order HymenopteraFamily Scelionidae Hosts: Insect and spider eggs, especiallythose of true bugs and moths. Life History:Larvae areinternalparasitoids ofother insectsand spiders. John Davidson

  18. Sphecid Wasps Family SphecidaeHosts: Other arthropods. Ronald F. BillingsTexas Forest Servicewww.forestryimages.org Cicada killer (Sphecius speciosus) with prey

  19. Sphecid Wasps Life History: Solitary; females provision nests with paralyzed caterpillars, spiders, or other prey, where larvae feed on the prey. One or more generations a year, depending on species. Overwintering:Larvae or pupae. Gerald J. LenhardLouisiana State Universitywww.forestryimages.org Cicada killer Sphecius speciosus

  20. Sphecid Wasps Jackman Mud dauberChalybion caementarium G. McIlveen, Jr. Mud dauberChalybion californicum

  21. Sweat Bees Family HalictidaeHosts: Flower nectar and pollen.Life History: Some are solitary and others are social (live in colonies). Colonies are annual, occurring incavities orundergroundburrows. Manyare very colorfuland metallic. L. WestPhoto Researchers, Inc.

  22. Leafcutting Bees Marshall BlackAnimals Animals or Earth Scenes Family MegachilidaeHosts: Flower nectarand pollen; leavesare cut to make cells.Life History: Most aresolitary. Females cutleaves to make cells.The females depositan egg and provision each cell with pollen before sealing the cells. Larvae feed on pollen and develop in the cells. Megachile willoughbiella

  23. Carpenter Bees Family ApidaeHosts: Feed on pollen and nectar but make tunnels in redwood, cedar, cypress, and pine. Jerry A. PayneUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org Xylocopa virginica

  24. Carpenter Bees Life History: In spring females make tunnels or use existing tunnels in which they lay eggs and insert pollen. Larvae develop in the tunnels. There may be several generations per year.Overwintering:Adults in nests. USDA Forest ServiceWood Products Insect Lab ArchivesUSDA Forest Servicewww.forestryimages.org

  25. Honey Bees Apis melliferaFamily ApidaeHosts:Flower nectar and pollen. Scott BauerUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org Jerry A. PayneUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org

  26. Honey Bees Life History: Honeybee colonies are perennial. New colonies form when an old queen swarms with a group of workers. The queen mates with unrelated males. Fertilized eggs become workers; males(unfertilizedeggs) areproduced priorto swarming.Overwintering:Active in nestsduring winter. Carl Dennis, Auburn University, www.forestryimages.org

  27. Bumble Bees Bombus spp.Family ApidaeHosts: Flower nectar and pollen. Jerry A. PayneUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org

  28. Bumble Bees Life History: Colonies are annual. Fecundated queens emerge in spring and begin colonies in the ground. Males and new queens are produced in fall. New queens mate with unrelated males before overwintering in the ground.Overwintering:New queens inthe ground. Jerry A. PayneUSDA ARSwww.forestryimages.org

  29. Tiphia Wasp Tiphia vernalisFamily Tephiidae Hosts: Japanese beetles.Life History: Adults emergein spring and femalesparasitize Japanese beetlelarvae in the ground. Wasplarvae (one per beetle)consume grubs beforemaking cocoons in the soil.One generation per year.Overwintering: Pupae in cocoons. www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/biocontrol/j_beetle.htm

  30. Velvet Ants Dasymutilla occidentalis Family MutillidaeHosts: Larvae ofwasps, bees,beetles, or flies.Life History:The larvae ofthese insects areparasites of otherinsect larvae. They occur in the southern USA and have painful stings. Some are known as “cow killers.” Drees

  31. Vespid Wasps Order HymenopteraFamily Vespidae Hosts: Caterpillars and other insects. May bother people at picnics. John Davidson Yellow jacket with caterpillar Life History: Many have annual colonies with queens, workers, and males. Paper wasp (Polistes species)

  32. Ants Family FormicidaeHosts: Most feed on a variety of plant and animal material, such as other arthropods, nectar, honeydew, and human food. Leafcutting antscultivate and feedon a fungus.Carpenter antsnest in wood butfeed on plant andanimal material. Arnold T. Drooz, USDA Forest Servicewww.forestryimages.org Ants tending scales

  33. Ants Life History: All are eusocial. Colonies in Minnesota are annual. Fecundated queens emerge in spring and begin colonies underground or in cavities. Males are produced in the fall prior to dispersal. New queens mate with unrelated males before overwintering in the ground or crevices. Some ants tend aphids. Leafcutting ants grow a fungus in their tunnels. Carpenter ants tunnel in dead wood. Fire ants occur in the southern USA and have a painful sting. Many unusual ants (weaver ants, army ants, etc.) occur in the tropics, where colonies may live for years.

  34. Ants Clemson UniversityUSDA Cooperative Extension Slide Serieswww.forestryimages.org Carpenter ant(Camponotus sp.)adult and galleries R. Werner, USDA Forest Service, www.forestryimages.org

  35. Ants Drees Drees Pharoah antMonomorium pharaonis Dorymyrmex insanus mound

  36. Ants Jackman Drees Harvester antsPogonymyrmex barbatus Leafcutting antAtta texana

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