How to Promote Your Job Board Blog Content


Running a successful job board website relies on one important thing — having enough traffic. Encouraging people to your website is critical to creating a jobs marketplace where employers want to advertise and candidates want to apply.

If you’re looking into creating useful and engaging content,  most of your traffic will come from marketing and promoting the content you’re creating for your job board blog.

That means you need to roll up your sleeves and get involved in the dirty work and dark art of digital marketing.

If you don’t know your guest blogging from your Google search, or your email marketing from your influencers then fear not, we’re here to help. We’ll break down the main ways you can market your job board content, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and let you know what to do next.

Great marketing and promotion are essential to differentiating your job board website and helping you stand out as the best online destination for employers and applicants.

Ready? Let’s get into it.

After one year, your goal should be to have at least 5,000­ – 10,000 users coming to your site every month. That is the minimum number of users you need to ensure that employers who post jobs will actually get some applicants. Chris Russell — Job Board Secrets

Why You Need to Promote Your Job Board Blog Content

The content you create is simply the most effective way to create value for the people who will use your job board — recruiters and applicants.

Your blog content gives them a reason to come to your job board website in the first place. They’re not going to come just because you have a job board, they need additional reasons.

Awesome content can:

  • Answer questions they have.
  • Provide useful resource guides.
  • Let them know about new developments in their field.
  • Find out what people in the industry are saying.
  • Educate and give them new skills.
  • And much more.

The issue is, it doesn’t matter how brilliant your content is, unless you promote it, no-one will know about it, engage with it, or share it. That means all of the promotion and marketing must start with your efforts.

Creating Effective Content in the First Place

Content marketing is the art and science of creating interesting, effective, engaging content that you publish on your own job board website. It’s what you’re actually promoting in the first place. Fortunately, we created an extensive, detailed guide on creating awesome job board content here. If you haven’t already, go read, enjoy, and write something amazing!

Link Building Opportunities for Job Board Content

An important part of off site SEO is getting links to your job board content. One of the most effective ways of doing that is through link building and creating connections between your website and others.

Advantages of Link Building

  • Easy to get started.
  • Inexpensive.

Disadvantages of Link Building

  • Success can be mixed.

Your Guide to Link Building

  1. Identify other authoritative websites in your niche.
  2. Start to develop relationships with the owners of those websites — comment on their pieces, link to them in your pieces, etc.
  3. When you publish a new piece let them know and request a link from their website.
  4. Continue to cultivate relationships and create additional opportunities.

Further Reading, Tools, and Resources on Link Building

Guest Blogging for Your Job Board Blog Content

Guest blogging is a way to boost your off site SEO by publishing articles on other websites related to the job niche you’re serving. Guest blogging works through providing links to your related job website and blog content (boosting your ranking in search engines) and also providing a link from the other website that readers can follow.

Advantages of Guest Blogging

  • Easy to get started.
  • An effective way to build valuable links to your job board website content.
  • Exposure to a whole new audience who will be interested in your offerings.

Disadvantages of Guest Blogging

  • You need to develop relationships with where you want articles published.
  • You need to come up with articles other websites will want to publish.
  • If you can’t write yourself, you will need to hire someone who can.

Your Guide to Guest Blogging

  1. Create a list of websites and blogs related to the job niche your website is serving.
  2. Visit those websites and find out if they accept guest posts.
  3. Review the guidelines for creating guest posts.
  4. Contact the owner, editor, or another point of contact at the website.
  5. Develop a relationship with them.
  6. Research the type of articles they publish and pitch them an idea.
  7. Write the article. Submit it for publication, together with a backlink to your related website content.

Further Reading, Tools, and Resources on Guest Blogging

Contributing to major media outlets, or “guest-blogging” as it’s commonly referred to, is one of the quickest and most effective methods for getting more eyeballs on your brand and establishing it as an expert. Impact BND

Influencer Marketing for Your Job Board Content

Influencer marketing involves identifying key, important people in your job niche sector and working with them to share information about your content, especially content that makes their job easier and that they want to reference.

There are two main types of influencer marketing, earned and paid.

Advantages of Influencer Marketing

  • A great way to get access to a previously untapped audience.
  • Immediately builds authority and credibility for your content.
  • Helps you build relationships with the movers and shakers in your industry.

Disadvantages of Influencer Marketing

  • You need to spend time building good relationships.
  • Paid influencer marketing can be expensive.
  • You need a marketing plan for the influencers to follow.

Your Guide to Influencer Marketing for Your Job Board Content

  1. Find out who the key influencers, movers, and shakers are in your job sector and industry.
  2. Earned influencer marketing.
    1. Build good relationships with key influencers.
    2. Create amazing job board content and share it with them.
    3. Gently encourage them to share your content.
  3. Paid influencer marketing.
    1. Establish if the influencer takes part in paid influencer marketing.
    2. Establish a budget and payments.
  4. Develop a marketing plan.
  5. Engage with the influencers to share your content through their website, social media, and other channels.

Further Reading, Tools, and Resources on Influencer Marketing

40% of people say they’ve purchased an item online after seeing it used by an influencer on Instagram, Twitter, Vine, or YouTube. TapInfluence.

Email Marketing for Your Job Board Content

Finally, email marketing is a great way to continue to promote your job board content after you’ve had some interest. Email marketing reminds people about your content and services, shares how you can help them and gives them a clear reason and benefits for coming back to and using your job website.

Advantages of Email Marketing

  • An easy way to reach “warm leads” and reinforce your presence.
  • Easy to get started.
  • An established, well-known way to reach people.

Disadvantages of Email Marketing

  • Can be difficult to get people to sign up to a mailing list.
  • You need to provide real value in your emails to stop people unsubscribing.
  • You will need to create an incentive to get people to sign up.

Your Guide to Email Marketing

  1. Setup a way to gather email addresses on your website.
  2. Encourage people to sign up to your mailing list, normally by using an incentive or lead magnet (e.g. an ebook, discount, resource guide etc.)
  3. Use a tool to manage your email list.
  4. Create beautiful emails to promote your content and link directly to it.
  5. Send high-quality emails out on a regular basis.
  6. Check and measure how often people click through from the email and use that analysis to tweak how you create and promote content.

Further Reading, Tools, and Resources on Email Marketing

For an example of a website that promotes its content incredibly well, look no further than Smashing Magazine.

We hope this has given you a useful overview of how you can use various types of marketing to promote your job website content. You will want to mix and match your marketing strategy to align with your budget and the outcomes you want. Remember to measure the effectiveness of your marketing and tweak your approach and investments to deliver the best return on marketing investment.

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2 comments: On How to Promote Your Job Board Blog Content

  • Hi, great very informative, i like the flow how its conveyable and content a good amount of knowledge. As i am new to blogging and blog sharing so it helped me a lot, An i got some new ideas too from it by the way i have also and amazing blog that was made published by me, Thanks writer for the amazing content.

  • Yes, I have got more knowledge from this article about influence marketing.

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