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Kaylean Theorem Arithmancy Deck, Grid and Accessories

Kaylean Theorem Arithmancy Deck, Grid and Accessories


This is a Seven Stars original!  A new method for divination using numerology.


See Mindful Tarot's instructional video review here:


The Kaylean Theorem method of Arithmancy is available with a deck numbering 0 - 44, with keywords printed on each card for upright and reversals.  Poker size, linen card stock, clear plastic case, card back shown or you can purchase a custom card back for $15.  Deck price: $59


Instructions and numbers definitions are available for $3 for download, see ad on this page.


The Kaylean Theorem Grid is 22 x 22, spun polyester fabric, sections fit the cards.  ($42)


Journal has instructions and picture of grid. ($38)


Pouch is 4 x 7  ($38)


Full instructions and expanded number definitions are all right here on this website!  If you find a strong connection to numbers, you are going to love this deck.  Can be used with or without the grid, however, the grid is the actual Kaylean Theorem method.


NEW!  Posters!  18" x 24" or 20" x 30" with instructions!

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