Florida gardening: Lily pad begonias

Carol Cloud Bailey
Special to TCPalm
A Florida gardener’s favorite, Lily Pad Begonia, has been cultivated for decades and is a beloved “pass-along” plant. It blooms throughout the winter and into spring in this area and is easy to grow if given a bit of shade and regular water applications.

Q: Do you have any information on the beautiful lily pad begonia?  

— McCafferty, via email  

A: More than 1,400 species of begonia are known today, with new species being described or re-classified every day. Classification of begonias is complex. There are 66 sections and the best listing of begonia types is by the American Begonia Society on their website begonias.org/greenhouse.  

Lily pad begonia is a rhizomatous type that mostly prefers cooler temperatures and is grown for its fascinating leaves and masses of flowers. 

Originating in Mexico and Central America, lily pad begonia, known to scientist and horticulturist as Begonia nelumbiifolia, is a perennial herbaceous plant grows from fibrous roots and rhizomes which means it spreads quickly. 

It is an upright growing tropical begonia that also readily branches. It has large evergreen, asymmetric leaves that are peltate, which means the leaf stem attaches roughly in the middle of the blade instead of the bottom. This characteristic helps identify the species. 

What makes this begonia special are the masses of flowers which appear in loose clusters atop long stems held above the foliage. Blooms are up to 2 inches in diameter. They may be white or pale pink and occur throughout the winter and spring in this part of Florida. It is not unusual to see four to six months of blooming during the cooler months. 

The plants grow 3- to 4-feet-tall and wide and spread slowly by rhizome. Though they will grow and bloom in full sun, partial shade is best for picturesque plants. Lily pad begonia is frost sensitive, but it is not very particular about soil conditions except for the extremes, no dry or wet conditions. It is only slightly drought tolerant once established; the preference is for regular moisture. 

Lily pad begonia is a longtime favorite for Florida landscapes. Its undemanding nature makes it a good choice for garden beds, containers, borders and hanging baskets. Place them near pools, patios and windows to take advantage of the pretty flowers.  

The best locations have some morning sun and lots of afternoon shade. This begonia propagates effortlessly from cuttings and divisions. Supply irrigation regularly when it’s not raining. Apply mulch to the plantings to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. Few pests feed on these begonias though they are susceptible to rot in wet locations.  

Try this begonia in the landscape and around the patio for loads of cool-season blooms and sweet, lovely flowers. Dig up any shoots that appear out-of-bounds and share with neighbors, friends, and family.  

Carol Cloud Bailey is a landscape counselor and horticulturist. Send questions to carol@yard-doc.com or visit www.yard-doc.com for more information.