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Clayberg out as football coach, in as District activities director

The Tea Area School Board met March 14 and accepted the resignation from Craig Clayberg as head football coach, weight room and Connections Academy.

They approved Clayberg as the new activities director to begin July 1.

The board also approved the resignations of Rachel Willadsen as high school administrative assistant, Margo Aul as custodian and Jackie Kowitz as technology specialist.

They approved the new hires of Michelle Baartman as Venture Elementary administrative assistant, starting March 21; Katie Lucas as high school science teacher, Laurie Sieler as middle school administrative assistant, Megan Longhead as Venture Elementary first grade teacher, Dan McCormack as Venture Elementary counselor, Clayton Sorum as high school ag teacher, Melissa Lehman as Legacy Elementary fourth grade teacher, Sarah Bernhardt as high school English teacher, Nisha Hagen as high school special ed behavior counselor and Jordan Rohrbach as CTE business teacher.

The board approved the bond resolution and election date of June 21 in conjunction with the board of education election. The bond would not exceed $39 million for the purpose of financing the construction of a high school expansion, renovations to the existing high school complex, furnishing and equipping the high school and paying the costs of issuing the bonds.

Polling places for the June 21 election will be the District Education Center for school district voters living in Lincoln County and Frontier Elementary for school district voters living in Minnehaha County.

The board approved the second reading of Policy ADA - Continuous School Improvement.

Additionally, they approved the renewal of the Reliabank line of credit. They also appointed Brett Waltner, Kristen Daggett and student representative Ben Daggett for Teacher of the Year committee representatives. They also appointed Conrad Pick and Jason Bennett for Employee of the Year committee representatives.

The board approved the purchase of 175 band uniforms that will be ready for the start of the next school year.

They awarded the construction manager at-risk contract to Jans Corp.

In the administrative report, technology director Chris Friedrich reported that the district will launch a new website and app this week.

In committee reports, from the legislative committee, the 6 percent increase for teachers was approved. Superintendent Jennifer Lowery said they will dive deeper into the bills after veto day.

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