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Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Adj.1.biologistic - of or relating to biologismbiologistic - of or relating to biologism    
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He may have rejected their "biologistic ideology," but he "truly believed in the greatness of Hitler," hoping that Nazism had "the cultural power to plumb the depths of the mystery of Being." Beiner supports these claims with a brief reading of chapter 30 of Being and Time and a somewhat longer discussion of the "Letter on 'Humanism.'" Chapter 2 also contains an interesting discussion of the "politically and strategically motivated doctoring of texts in Heidegger's postwar period"--his inclusion, in the Gesamtausgabe versions of certain texts, of politically charged remarks excluded from the original editions.
The development of technologies in the 20th century allows to position nutrition as a science founded on investigations about biological functions of persons, constituting a scenario where the biologistic vision is in a dominant position, conceiving the technical frame for the construction of devices that intervene to preserve health.
Moreover, we ought to continue to consider how Jews themselves have responded to the midcentury "turning point" when it comes to race, biology, and biologistic identity.
The chapters are set out in chronological order, dealing with texts which demonstrate how Anglophone writers have dealt with their Gaelic subjects in a variety of ways, including civilising missions, assimilation, Romanticisation, stereotyping and, perhaps most discomforting for readers with the benefit of twenty-first-century hindsight, biologistic racial typologising.
It is true that the Soviets rejected the kinds of biologistic language common in other countries.
In the majority of instances, health teams still develop Health Education in a biologistic, mechanical and acritical manner, in spite of the recent methodological and theoretical reorientation (16).
Taken at face value, this might strike one as essentially biologistic. This aggrandizement of the "Aryan" physique must not be confused with an espousal of materialism and "worldliness." On the contrary, what it glorifies is precisely the immanent overcoming of the body's immanence.
Eagleton mentions two important points of postmodernism that lack validity: one is that Marxism is Eurocentric, and the other is that Marxism is "biologistic" (p.
Thatcher's rhetorical skill was demonstrated in this regard, as she converted the radical implications of Nicholson's question--that a critical mass of women politicians might fundamentally change the structure of formal politics through their gendered difference--into the valorisation of biologistic sex difference: "You'll see no man as tough as any woman is in defence of her children".
905, 907 (2011) (describing "anchor babies" as a "biologistic metaphor of anxiety over pregnant foreigners illegally entering the United States to implant babies who become birthright citizens able to petition for more foreign relatives to come" (citing Julia Preston, Citizenship as Birthright Is Challenged on the Right, N.Y.
The recourse to evolutionary psychology leads to biologistic explanations which give capitalism an essentialized psychological core.