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tr.v. man·u·mit·ted, man·u·mit·ting, man·u·mits
To free from slavery or bondage; emancipate.

[Middle English manumitten, from Old French manumitter, from Latin manūmittere : manū, ablative of manus, hand; see man- in Indo-European roots + mittere, to send from.]

man′u·mis′sion (-mĭsh′ən) n.
man′u·mit′ter n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, -mits, -mitting or -mitted
(tr) to free from slavery, servitude, etc; emancipate
[C15: from Latin manūmittere to release, from manū from one's hand + ēmittere to send away]
ˌmanuˈmitter n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌmæn yəˈmɪt)

v.t. -mit•ted, -mit•ting.
to release from slavery or servitude.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Latin manūmittere=manū, abl. of manus the authority of a father, master, etc., literally, hand + mittere to release, let go]
man`u•mis′sion, n.
man`u•mit′ter, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: manumitted
Gerund: manumitting

I manumit
you manumit
he/she/it manumits
we manumit
you manumit
they manumit
I manumitted
you manumitted
he/she/it manumitted
we manumitted
you manumitted
they manumitted
Present Continuous
I am manumitting
you are manumitting
he/she/it is manumitting
we are manumitting
you are manumitting
they are manumitting
Present Perfect
I have manumitted
you have manumitted
he/she/it has manumitted
we have manumitted
you have manumitted
they have manumitted
Past Continuous
I was manumitting
you were manumitting
he/she/it was manumitting
we were manumitting
you were manumitting
they were manumitting
Past Perfect
I had manumitted
you had manumitted
he/she/it had manumitted
we had manumitted
you had manumitted
they had manumitted
I will manumit
you will manumit
he/she/it will manumit
we will manumit
you will manumit
they will manumit
Future Perfect
I will have manumitted
you will have manumitted
he/she/it will have manumitted
we will have manumitted
you will have manumitted
they will have manumitted
Future Continuous
I will be manumitting
you will be manumitting
he/she/it will be manumitting
we will be manumitting
you will be manumitting
they will be manumitting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been manumitting
you have been manumitting
he/she/it has been manumitting
we have been manumitting
you have been manumitting
they have been manumitting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been manumitting
you will have been manumitting
he/she/it will have been manumitting
we will have been manumitting
you will have been manumitting
they will have been manumitting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been manumitting
you had been manumitting
he/she/it had been manumitting
we had been manumitting
you had been manumitting
they had been manumitting
I would manumit
you would manumit
he/she/it would manumit
we would manumit
you would manumit
they would manumit
Past Conditional
I would have manumitted
you would have manumitted
he/she/it would have manumitted
we would have manumitted
you would have manumitted
they would have manumitted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.manumit - free from slavery or servitudemanumit - free from slavery or servitude  
set free, liberate - grant freedom to; "The students liberated their slaves upon graduating from the university"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


To set at liberty:
Slang: spring.
Idiom: let loose.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Prophet (sa) asked him if he could afford to manumit a slave as compensation, to which he replied in the negative.
The roasters include; Uncommon Ground, Manumit, Welsh Coffee Roasters and Clifton Coffee Roasters.
wordwise MANUMIT A Mohammedan hermit B Tree that yields oil C Release from slavery who am I?
They'll have pour-over coffees by Manumit and, food-wise, they'll be offering nachos, mac and cheese and a Cuban sandwich - which is a must-try.
Eva has worked since June part-time at living wage employer Manumit Coffee Roasters.
Manumit Coffee Manumit means to "release from slavery, or set free", a fitting name for this Cardiff based roastery with one mission in mind; to employ survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking and help them rebuild their lives.
I crawl inside John Berryman's mouth and manumit Henry.
"Our laws are extremely particular on the subject of slaves--a will may manumit them, but provision for their support requires that a declaration should continue with the party, and never lose sight of him until he is gone or dead."
In April of 1861, The Recorder attempted to show what freed slaves should "expect from abolitionists" upon manumission by stating, "The North would manumit the Negro and exterminate him!" (38) At the same time, this article aimed to show that the South wanted to preserve the "Negro race." This hypocrisy was present in the thought of many northerners, but not necessarily abolitionists.
(34) Juan's enslavement simultaneously enables and limits his social ascent, as his owner, the Duke of Sesa, both creates a place of prestige for Juan and assigns definite limits to that place by refusing to manumit him.
Like Jefferson, he owned slaves whom he did not manumit.
Jefferson's actions are also juxtaposed here with those of other Virginia planters who did manumit their slaves.