Black Cumin (Kalonji): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

Black Cumin (Kalonji): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More
Black Cumin (Kalonji): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

In Ayurveda, black cumin is known as a powerful herb that helps build Agni.

Written by Satata Karmakar |Updated : June 1, 2022 12:43 PM IST

Black cumin, also known as Kaloji or by its scientific name Nigella Sativa is one of the most commonly found spices in the Indian kitchen. In Ayurveda, black cumin is known as a powerful herb that helps build Agni. It is also used in Ayurveda to treat some the health conditions such as eczema, and boils. It is hypotensive and reduces blood sugar levels. Over the years, this wonderful herb has been used in stimulating the body's energy and helping it recover from fatigue and dispiritedness. However, there are many more uses for Kalonji seeds, and with them comes the side effects, let's take a look at them and understand how you can use this easily available spice for getting rid of common health problems.

Health Benefits

Packed with antioxidants, Kalonji can help protect oneself from several diseases. From lowering the blood cholesterol levels to fighting cancer cells, consuming black cummin daily can have several health benefits.

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to several health complications such as heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, etc. According to the experts, the daily consumption of Kalonji can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

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May Prevent Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcer can be painful as it leads to the formation of sores. It usually happens when stomach acids lead to the corrosion of the layer of protective mucus that lines the stomach. According to the experts, eating Kalonji can help prevent the corrosion of the stomach walls.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Suffering from high blood sugar? Kalonji or black cumin can help. High blood sugar can lead to several symptoms, such as - increased thirst, unintentional weight loss, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. When left unchecked, these can become serious threats to life. Therefore, experts suggest the consumption of kalonji.

Keeps Liver Healthy

The liver plays one of the most vital roles in the human body. It flushes out toxins, metabolizes drugs, processes nutrients and produces proteins and chemicals that are crucial to health. According to experts, the consumption of Kalonji can help protect the liver against injury and damage.


Some of the effective uses of black cumin seeds are:

Black cumin gel for acne

Black cumin seeds are mainly used for treating acne problems. Applying a thin layer of gel containing black seed extract to the skin might help to improve acne.

Black cumin seed oil

Taking black seed oil by mouth on a daily basis (remember to consult a doctor before doing so) daily can effectively help in improving allergy symptoms in people with hay fever.

Improve coughing problems

One of the most effective uses of black cumin can be to treat asthma. Experts say that consuming black cumin seed by mouth along with asthma medicines can improve coughing, wheezing, and lung function in some people with asthma (remember to consult a doctor before doing so).

Side Effects

Nothing taken in extra quantity is good for the health, and the same goes for Kalonji. When consumed in extra quantity, black cumin can lead to some health complications. Experts believe that kalonji Kalonji is generally safe when used as a spice or seasoning, taking it as a supplement or using black cumin oil may have risks, these include -

  1. Can cause dermatitis
  2. It consists of components that may influence blood clotting
  3. Not recommended for pregnant women, as Kalonji oil could slow down uterine contractions when used in large amounts