Gardening Plants & Flowers Trees

How to Grow and Care for Moringa Plants

Moringa plant with thin branches and small green fern-like leaves

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy

Moringa are fast-growing, deciduous trees that are native to India and Bangladesh. Moringa trees are commonly also called the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, or ben oil tree. Moringa trees grow best in tropical conditions and require six to eight hours of full sunlight, slightly acidic to neutral soil, and temperatures between 77 and 95. Indigenous people have used them for their nutritious and medicinal qualities and are also called the "miracle tree." All parts of the tree are edible, from seeds to foliage to roots, and are a source of nutrients and antioxidants, similar to spinach.

Common Name Moringa plant, moringa tree, miracle tree, horseradish tree, drumstick tree, ben oil tree
Botanical Name Moringa oleifera
Family Moringaceae
Plant Type Tree
Mature Size 25-35 ft. tall, 15-25 ft, wide
Sun Exposure Full
Soil Type Loamy, sandy, well-drained
Soil pH Neutral, acidic
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color White
Hardiness Zones 10-11 (USDA)
Native Area Asia

Moringa Care

Here are the main care requirements for growing a moringa tree:

  • Plant the tree in the spring to take full advantage of the entire growing season.
  • Prefers slightly acidic, loamy, well-drained soil.
  • Give full sun and moist but not soggy soil; it's heat and drought-resistant.
  • Can grow in containers as long as the container is at least 30 inches in diameter. 
  • Move moringa trees indoors during cold weather.
Moringa tree with thin branches, small round leaves and white flower buds

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy

Moringa plant stem with rounded fern-like leaves

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy

Moringa tree with thin trunk and branches with round fern-like leaves

The Spruce / Gyscha Rendy


A bright, sunny location that receives direct sunlight for most of the day is best for moringa trees. Growth may be stunted if the plants do not receive enough light. 


Moringa trees are adaptable to a wide range of soils and can survive in poor soils if needed. However, they thrive when grown in well-draining, sandy soils. The plants are sensitive to root rot, so they will not flourish in overly compacted soil or soil with too much moisture. 


Keep the soil of moringa plants consistently moist but not wet. Moringa plants do not tolerate "wet feet" and are sensitive to overwatering. Established moringa plants are drought-tolerant, but young plants need more consistent moisture to encourage vigorous growth. Infrequent, deep watering is better than frequent, light watering when watering moringa plants. 

Temperature and Humidity

Moringa grows best in temperatures between 77 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit, although they can tolerate extreme temperatures as high as 118 degrees Fahrenheit as long as they are in afternoon shade. These plants do not tolerate cold temperatures well, although they can withstand a light frost. Moringa plants will grow outdoors year-round in USDA zones 10 and 11 and can be grown outdoors for part of the year in any region that experiences warm summers. 


Add compost to the soil when planting to provide needed nutrients. Moringa plants benefit from a light application of a general, all-purpose fertilizer to help support growth. Once established, moringa plants do not require regular fertilization. However, they benefit from having their topsoil regularly amended with compost or manure.

Types of Moringa 

There are over 13 species in the Moringa genus and many cultivars, including dwarf varieties. All moringa plants are fast-growing, with a growth rate of at least 12 to 15 feet annually. The word "moringa" is a Tamil word meaning "twisted pod," alluding to its fruit.

The various species of Moringa are classified by their trunk type: big, water-storing trunks, slender trunks, and tuberous shrubs. All of the species were traditionally used for medicine and food.

  • M. oleifera: Slender trunk; most common species; it is being cultivated; it is native to India and Bangladesh; the species name "oleifera" is derived from the Latin meaning "oil-bearing"
  • M. peregrina: Slender trunk; native to Red Sea, Arabia, northeast Africa; it is being cultivated
  • M. concanensis: Slender trunk; native to India; only exists in wild
  • M. stenopetala: Bloated trunk; native to Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia; it is being cultivated
  • M. drouhardii: Bloated trunk; native to Madagascar; only exists in wild
  • M. ovalifolia: Bloated trunk; native to Namibia and Angola; only exists in wild
  • M. hildebrandtii: Bloated trunk; native to Madagascar; only exists in wild


Regular pruning helps keep moringa plants healthy and promotes leaf growth, preventing the tree from becoming too tall. If left unpruned, moringa plants will become tall with few leaves and will only flower near the top of the branches, which makes harvesting difficult. Pruning regularly and encouraging branching increases the harvest yield of edible leaves, flowers, pods, and seeds. Here's how:

  • Tools: Use pruning shears, loppers, and a ladder (optional); disinfect all tools in an alcohol or bleach solution.
  • Timing: Prune in late winter or early spring (in frost-free zones) or before the first frost (in wintery zones).
  • Seedling pruning: Cut the main stem once it reaches 4 to 6 inches; this will encourage branching; pinch off new branches to encourage more foliage; once it reaches two to three feet, prune by 75%.
  • Mature tree pruning: Remove all dying or dead branches and leaves; prune all the branches at 4 feet from the base to encourage more vigorous growth; remove shoots growing straight up; this makes the tree tall and reduces foliage potential.

Propagating Moringa

Moringa trees can be propagated indoors or outdoors using cuttings, although indoor pot propagation has a higher success rate. Propagating with cuttings rather than seeds ensures you will get an exact duplicate of the mother tree with all the same traits. It also shortens the growing time, with plants going from cuttings to flowering in as little as eight months.

How to propagate outdoors:

  1. Take an extensive cutting from your existing moringa tree. It should be at least 1 inch in diameter and about 6 feet long.
  2. Remove the majority of foliage on your cutting.
  3. Dig a hole with a 3-foot diameter and a 3-foot depth.
  4. Place your cutting in this hole and fill it with a mix of sand, soil, and composted manure or other fertilizer.
  5. Keep the plant watered generously until new growth begins to show, then cut back the watering schedule to ensure the plant doesn't have wet feet.

How to propagate indoors:

  1. Take a cutting from your moringa plant that measures between 1/4 to 1/2 inches in circumference and 8 to 12 inches in length.
  2. Remove all but one stem of foliage.
  3. Fill a deep pot with a good potting mix with some sand thrown in to help drainage. Because moringas have deep taproots, using a large pot such as a 20-inch container or more is best.
  4. Scrape off the outer bark from the cut end of the branch, dip it in the rooting hormone, and place it in the pot.
  5. Keep the pot in a shaded area that still gets a good amount of ambient light or in a greenhouse until the plants are rooted, which should only take about two to three weeks.
  6. Harden off the plants before transplanting them outdoors in a sunny location.
Moringa plant powder and chopped leaves on wooden spoons.
 Westend61 / Getty Images

How to Grow Moringa From Seed

Moringa plants grow from seeds readily. Moringa seeds have no dormancy period and are best planted as soon as they are harvested from the tree. Fresh seeds retain excellent germination rates for up to one year. Moringa seeds are best directly sowed into the garden, as it's challenging to transplant them due to the plant's long taproot.

How to plant seeds outdoors:

  • Dig a hole about a foot deep and wide to loosen the soil well, then backfill with compost and soil.
  • Plant three to five seeds in each hole, 2 inches apart, about 1/2 inch deep. Cover with soil and water. Keep soil moist but not soggy.
  • When the seedlings are 4-6 inches tall, thin the seedlings, keeping the healthiest plant and removing the others.

Starting seeds indoors protects the seedling from harsh wind, temperatures, or wildlife while growing. Here's how to plant seeds indoors:

  • Soak the seeds overnight in water to speed germination.
  • Fill a deep container with seed-starting soil, and plant the seeds 1 inch deep. Cover with mix and water well.
  • Bottom heat helps speed germination, which should occur in three to 14 days.

How to transplant seedlings outdoors:

  • Harden off the plant before transplanting outside.
  • Choose a location with plenty of sun and dig a hole slightly larger than the seedling's rootball.
  • Place the seedling in the hole with the top of the rootball flush with the soil line and backfill the hole with a mixture of soil, sand, and compost.
  • After planting, lightly water the freshly planted seedlings, being careful not to overwater.
Photo of a moringa plant seedling in a black pot.
 Cristobal Alvarado Minic / Getty Images

Potting and Repotting Moringa

Moringa plants must be grown in containers unless growing the plant outdoors in tropical or subtropical temperatures year-round. Move container-grown moringa plants indoors during the winter to avoid cold winter temperatures. 

While young plants can be kept in 6- to 7-inch pots, because of the plants' deep taproot system, they should be moved to larger pots as they grow. Use a 30-inch pot or larger to serve as a home for your moringa. Be sure to transplant well before the plant becomes rootbound, or it will be tough to remove.


When grown in a hot climate, there are no special steps to take regarding overwintering outdoor moringa trees. However, if your trees are kept in pots, you will want to bring them indoors well before the first frost and keep them in a sunny, warm location during the winter.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Luckily, moringa plants resist many pests and diseases; however, termites can still be an issue with established moringa trees. If you notice termites, mulch around the tree's base with castor oil plant leaves, mahogany chips, tephrosia leaves, or Persian lilac leaves. Armyworms, cutworms, stem borers, aphids, caterpillars, and fruit flies are also attracted to moringa.

Root rot, fruit and twig rot, and canker are the most common diseases that affect moringa. Root rot is by far the most common issue with moringa trees. The plant needs to be sited in soil that drains at the rate of 1 inch per hour; otherwise, heavy rains will saturate the soil, killing the tree in a few days. Once root rot is found, it is likely too late to save the plant.

While less common than root rot, fruit or twig rot is caused by a fungus that turns the seed pods or twigs brown. If this fungal disease is suspected, treat it with a copper-based fungicide according to the package instructions.

Canker disease is rare but can appear on moringa trunks and branches. It looks like a wound on the tree. Prune off damaged limbs or branches when it's not expected to rain. Pruning during rainy periods can spread the canker fungus or bacteria to other parts of the tree.

Common Problems With Moringa

Generally, moringa trees are fast-growing, low maintenance, and resist problems. However, there are a few things to watch out for.

Yellowing Leaves

Moringa leaves can turn yellow with too much watering, insufficient water, or poor nutrient levels in the soil. Check water levels by inserting your finger about 1 inch deep; water the plant if it's dry about an inch down. When all the leaves start turning yellow, it's likely a lack of nutrients or sunlight. Fertilize the plant and consider moving the plant to a location with more light.

Browning or Dying Branches and Leaves

A dying moringa is likely due to soil drainage issues. Root rot is the most common killer of moringa trees. Ensure that the plant is in fast-draining soil. Mix in sand, perlite, peat moss, or compost to help improve soil drainage.

Poor Growth

Moringa trees are fast growers. If your moringa tree growth has stunted, it could be several factors: insufficient sunlight, lack of nutrients, or cold temperatures. These trees can handle a short snap of cool weather but will die if exposed to prolonged cold. Cool temps will stop the tree from growing, so bring it indoors if cold weather threatens.

If the tree sufficiently gets at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight, it could need nutrients or compost to enrich the soil. Fertilize or top-dress the soil with compost.

  • How do I use the parts of the moringa plant I've harvested?

    The leaves are often cooked like a vegetable or steamed for tea, while the ground pods are used for curries, and the oil extracted from the seeds can be used for cooking and in perfumes and soaps.

  • When should I harvest the moringa leaves and pods?

    The pods can be harvested once they are about 1/2 inch in diameter and pop off the branches easily. Moringa leaves can be harvested at any point; however, the older leaves are better than new growth for making moringa powder. 

  • How fast do moringa trees grow?

    Generally about 10 feet per year. In ideal conditions, the tree could gain up to 20 feet in height in just one year.

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  1. Anwar F, Latif S, Ashraf M, Gilani AH. Moringa oleifera: A Food Plant with Multiple Medicinal Uses. National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  2. Islam Z, Islam SMR, Hossen F, Mahtab-ul-Islam K, Hasan MdR, Karim R. Moringa oleifera is a prominent source of nutrients with potential health benefitsInt J Food Sci. 2021;2021:6627265.