The 30 best must-have plants every gardener needs

Anna Pavord unveils an all-star cast that will make your garden look splendid year-round

A brilliant combination: the spires of the white lupin ‘Noble Maiden’ and the purple and white ‘The Governor’ holding the stage in front of a shower of blossom from Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’
A brilliant combination: the spires of the white lupin ‘Noble Maiden’ and the purple and white ‘The Governor’ holding the stage in front of a shower of blossom from Deutzia x hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’
The Sunday Times

What a month it has been! “Just hold it there”, I’ve wanted to shout, as April in the garden galloped on towards May, throwing primroses, tulips, magnolias and fantastic chartreuse spurges in my path. Things I’d forgotten I’d ever planted, like the elegant little Tulipa clusiana, narrow white petals washed over with luscious pink, leapt up between anemones and violets. Sprawling rosemary bushes were (and still are) covered with sky-blue flowers, which foraging bees evidently appreciate as much as I do. It’s been glorious.

But what comes next? For gardeners, perhaps nothing is quite as intoxicating as the rollercoaster that is spring, but you could be lining up masses of treats to come: bearded iris and peonies, violas and poppies. Planning a garden that