Slender Harlequin Tropical Fish Information

Trigonostigma espei
Slender Harlequin
Behaviour Peaceful, shoaling
Typical size 3cm
Max size 4cm
Tank Area Middle, all
Min Tank Size 45cm
Min Number in Tank 5
Temp Min: 24℃ Max: 28℃
Feeding Flake, frozen, live foods
pH Range 6-7.5
Hardness vs,s,m
Slender Harlequin Trigonostigma espei
  • Slender Harlequin Trigonostigma espei - thumbnail

Slender Harlequin (Trigonostigma espei)

Slender Harlequin Tropical Fish Learn all about the Slender Harlequin's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Slender Harlequin is the right fish for your aquarium.

The Slender Harlequin is very similar in appearance to the Harlequin but has a narrower body and a smaller dark patch. The Slender Harlequin is very peaceful and only grows to 4cm so is best mixed with other peaceful, small fish. Provide some heavily vegetated areas and hiding spots and avoid mixing with boisterous fish. Water quality must be kept high and whilst the fish may adapt to harder water, over the long term they are best kept in neutral to acidic water with a soft to medium hardness. A good tank mate for timid or sensitive fish.

Slender Harlequin Facts

Family Cyprinidae (Minnows & Carps) | Synonyms Rasbora heteromorpha espei, Rasbora espei | Other names Lambchop Rasbora | Origin Asia; Thailand, Cambodia | Breeding Open water egg scatterers | Natural Water Conditions pH 6-6.5, medium | Natural Habitat Heavily vegetated pools, ponds, and swamps | Sexing Males are thinner and brighter coloured

Slender Harlequin Help and Advice

If you have a question about keeping Slender Harlequin's then please use our Slender Harlequin help forum. Join 100's of other fish enthusiasts with 1000's of years experience between them caring for and keeping fish like these.

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Check tank mates for the Slender Harlequin fish species

You are in the thinkfish community creator for the Slender Harlequin fish species, you can learn all about how the tool works in assessing fish tank mate compatibility at the link provided or use the tool tips provided to guide you. Create a test fish community that includes the Slender Harlequin species and any other types of fish or crustacean you'd like to introduce - You can assess the best companions, tank size suitability, stocking levels based on filter type and volume and possible negative interactions and warnings as you build up your aquarium.

Please do check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the Slender Harlequin information box above and your local water company providers website. Don't waste your money and endanger your fish!
Tank Details
question mark  Rename your tank:
question mark  Length: (cm)
question mark  Volume: (Litres)
question mark  Filter type:

* Recent changes to stocking & filter advice October 2018
* This fishtank will only last for this session - to save your tank please Join/Log in

question mark  Max Stocking level: 0cm
0-1 months 20%: 0cm
1-3 months 40%: 0cm
3-6 months 60%: 0cm
question mark  Current stock level: 0cm
Stock percentage: 0%
question mark  Suggested maximum
fish size for your tank:
My Fishtank Quantity Stock cm

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