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Dread Herald's Beast- Scirrhus by Myriagonic

Dread Herald's Beast- Scirrhus


"Oneday the Sith woke me up; so they could torture me forever. When once I could scream for help, I now only gurgle, purr and growl for a rest from which I can wake from this never ending nightmare on Kaas." -Transcribed and translated from Huttese by Darth Vanguardius

Name: Scirrhus (given name)
Nicknames: Ravage, Kitty, Scir
Species: Protean
Affiliations: Sith Empire, Darth Vanguardius, Dread Masters, Darth Tetricious

Most of Scirrhus' past before the Empire is not recorded in Imperial files, however it's known that he was discovered during a raid on the core worlds that Darth Tetricious participated in. Scirrhus had worked as a circus performer, his species' shapeshifting talents allowing him great acclaim among the other performers. Scirrhus was resting in his personal trailer inside of an aquarium-like tank which he used as a 'bed'. When Sith soldiers discovered him they subdued him and brought him as a pet to Lord Tetricious who, at that point was overseeing the operation.

Tetricious, pleased with the gift promoted the soldiers and sent the 'beast' to Dromund Kaas for study as well as augmentation with Sith Alchemy. Scirrhus' attempts at communication were met with amusement, thinking like his species imitated huttese like some parrot or songbird. In the bowels of the citadel Tetricious had Scirrhus alchemically enhanced, molding his mind into obedience with both shock collar torture and Sith magic and increasing his endurance and the speed at which he could assume different shapes.
He became Tetricious' pet and hound, taking the form of a deformed, corrupted, Corellian Sand Panther he was affectionately called 'kitty' by his new master who showered him with her emotions,sometimes affectionate, mostly abusive, on a daily basis.

When Tetricious was slain by her daughter Adala Kell (Lord Vorantikus) and her apprentice Nathahl Loshibiru (later Darth Vanguardius) Scirrhus was present in the office and hid among the shadows as his former master was deposed. Following her death Scirrhus was left alone and hungry, hiding in the corner of Tetricious' former citadel office for almost a week before Vanguardius inherited the room. When Vanguardius first entered, Scirrhus emerged meekly and in a feline fashion rubbed itself along Vanguardius' leg practically begging for food.
Unlike his former master, Vanguardius treated Scirrhus with respect and care and gained the creature's willing fealty in return. While the Sith Alchemy had removed most of Scirrhus' ability to speak, Vanguardius recognized his species from his days as a Jedi diplomat, and as such only rarely spoke to him as a pet, instead treating him as a sentient. That said Scirrhus still retained some joy for cuddling up to his master and being patted fondly.
Currently Scirrhus act's as Vanguardius' companion and is often found on his personal shuttle 'Knave of Nalros' along with Ytriumm, Vendedicus, and several other key allies. Scirrhus doesn't often accompany his master into missions but on the few occasions that he has he's largely acted in an espionage fashion: shapeshifting into a painting on the wall inside an enemy base or disguising himself as a jacket for the target he's tasked with apprehending.

This pic was done late last night on inspiration of seeing Airu's commission for Flir of her 'Rubbercat' ( ) The character looks amazing and i had a shapeshifter in mind of Vanguardius' crew for some time but seeing that picture was the clincher for me to go ahead and make one.

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