The Bullmastiff is an English breed and part of the working group.[1] Also called the Gamekeeper's Night Dog, Bullmastiffs were bred to guard game from poachers.[2] They share many traits with other mastiff and bull-type breeds, but Bullmastiffs do have a few distinguishing traits of their own. By recognizing these traits, this wikiHow will help you identify a Bullmastiff.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking Note of the Structure

  1. Bullmastiffs are one of the largest breeds of dog.[3] Males have a height of 25–27 inches (64–69 cm) and weigh 110–130 pounds (50–59 kg), while females are slightly smaller, standing at 24–26 inches (61–66 cm) tall with a weight of 100–120 pounds (45–54 kg).[4]
  2. A Bullmastiff's head is broad and large with a flat forehead and moderate stop. The cheeks are well-developed, and a fair amount of wrinkles are present when the dog is alert. With the ears, the head has a square appearance. The dog has an intelligent, keen, alert expression.[5]
  3. The eyes of a Bullmastiff are medium in size. In color, they are dark.[6]
  4. Bullmastiffs have wide- and high-set ears that are v-shaped and medium in size. They are carried close to the cheeks, level with the occiput and cheeks, and darker than the color of the body.[7]
  5. A Bullmastiff has a deep, broad muzzle that is preferably dark in color. The ratio of the muzzle's length to the head's length is about 1:3. The black nose has broad, large nostrils. The flews are not too pendulous, and the large teeth meet in a level or slightly undershot bite.[8]
  6. The paws of a Bullmastiff are medium-sized. The pads are tough and thick, the toes are round and well-arched, and the nails are black.[9]
  7. A Bullmastiff's tail is high-set and either straight or curved. It has a strong root and tapers to the dog's hocks.[10]
  8. Bullmastiffs are strong, symmetrical, powerfully built, and nearly square. They have a slightly arched neck, muscular and slightly sloping shoulders, well-boned and straight forelegs, a wide but deep chest, well-sprung ribs, a short back, and broad and muscular hindquarters. Their gait is powerful yet smooth and free.[11]

    Did you know? The ideal ratio for breeding a Bullmastiff with good structure, size, and temperament was sixty percent Mastiff and forty percent Bulldog.[12]

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Viewing the Coat

  1. A Bullmastiff's coat is dense and short in length. It allows for the dog to be well-protected from weather.[13]
  2. Bullmastiffs may be red, fawn, or brindle. A very small amount of white may appear on the chest, but white markings are not typically seen anywhere else on the dog's body.[14]
  3. With short coats, Bullmastiffs do not need much grooming other than occasional brushing and bathing. However, they are seasonal shedders, and their coat and skin should be regularly monitored to verify that they do not become oily or dry.[15]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Considering Temperament

  1. As a breed with a guarding history, Bullmastiffs are protective, confident, powerful, courageous, and alert. These traits all add up to give the breed amazing guardian qualities. If they sense potential danger, they will bark, and unlike some other breeds, they typically only bark when necessary.[16]
  2. The Bullmastiff is a working breed, so one will need regular exercise. Puppies are extra rambunctious, while adults need enough exercise to keep them fit.[17]
    • Avoid exercising a Bullmastiff in excessive heat. Flat-faced breeds can have difficulty breathing especially in these harsh conditions and may be prone to overheating.[18]
  3. Despite their intimidating appearance, Bullmastiffs are truly calm, even reserved, dogs. This can make them good family dogs.[19]
  4. A Bullmastiff may act willful or independent during training and require consistency when being trained. Along with their strong will, they may be dominant or aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex.[20]
  5. Though independent at times, Bullmastiffs are overall vastly loyal and loving. They are affectionate toward their families and do not like being apart from them.[21]

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  • Consider DNA testing if you wish to know your own dog's breed. A DNA test will confirm if your dog is a Bullmastiff.


  • Note that due to their intimidating appearance and guarding background, Bullmastiffs may be banned in some areas.[22] Make sure to check the dog bans in your area.

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