Wild Flowers Provence

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Cuscuta epithymum

Petite cuscute
Common Dodder


Additional information

Plant family


Sainte Baume

Flower colour


Flower size

cluster 7-10 mm

Flowering months




Leaf type



to 60 cm


An annual parasitic plant, creeping along the ground to find a host plant. Once germinated, threadlike stems appear which wind themselves in a circular way around the stem of the host plant. Inside these threadlike stems are vesicles (part of the cell’s transportation network). These vesicles attach themselves to the bark of the plant. As soon as they have firmly attached themselves, the root withers away. Once the Dodder is no longer attached to the soil for its nutrients and water, it uses the host plant, smothering the host plant but rarely killing it.


The flowers grow in clusters and have 5 waxy petals, with stamens as long as the petals.


Scales leaves resemble green scales e.g. Cupressus, Juniperus. Hardly noticeable, leaves are reduced to minute scales.

Fruits Seeds

Capsule: spherical.


Seeds: used as a tonic. They are nutrituous and a stimulant.


Was once used to treat urinary complaints, kidney, spleen and liver diseases. It was considered to be a laxative and to improve liver function.

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